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Worm Composting Made Simple!
Worm Composting Made Simple
What is Worm Composting?
What is worm composting?
How to Set-Up Your Worm Composting Bin
The Bin
The Bedding
The Worms
The Scraps
Now, What Do You Do With It?
Worm Castings for Planting Day
Ongoing maintenance with Worm Castings
FAQ & The Nitty Gritty Details
Where should I store my bin?
What happens if my bin smells?
My worms are eating slowly. What do I do?
My bin is attracting fruit flies! What do I do?
Eww, I just saw a worm crawl out of my bin! What do I do?
Thank you!!
Eww, I just saw a worm crawl out of my bin! What do I do?
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